The AMPLIFY Board is committed to helping Australia reach its potential as the best country in the world and improving the livelihoods of all Australians.
The Board is responsible for providing strategic direction, effective governance and leadership. The purpose and objectives of AMPLIFY are defined in our Constitution, which guides the Board’s decisions and underpins our strategic direction.
As a community organisation, the Board commits to working in the interests of the AMPLIFY community. The Board commits to the community being the driving force of our work.
Founder and Chair
Non-executive Director
The AMPLIFY Board and its members are committed to ensuring AMPLIFY remains impartial and politically neutral.
Where board members have an alignment or relationship with a political organisation, this will be declared and made transparent to the community.
Our board members hold a variety of opinions and positions on a wide range of issues and may contribute to public and AMPLIFY debates. It should be assumed that an AMPLIFY board member is speaking in a personal capacity unless they are explicitly advocating or speaking on behalf of the AMPLIFY community. In line with our mission, AMPLIFY supports robust public conversations and welcomes this contest of ideas.
Conflicts of interest
The AMPLIFY Board is committed to effectively identifying, disclosing and managing any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in order to protect the integrity of AMPLIFY.
It is the policy of Amplify, as well as a responsibility of the board, that ethical, legal, financial or other conflicts of interest be avoided and that any such conflicts (where they do arise) do not conflict with the obligations to AMPLIFY.
AMPLIFY manages conflicts of interest by requiring board members to:
AMPLIFY is a registered charity and Board members must:
The AMPLIFY team has expertise in behavioural insights, policy making, politics, marketing, community building and deliberative democracy. Our team’s strength comes from this experience and our diversity as we aim to build a team that represents the community.
Chief Marketing and Community Officer
Georgina Harrisson, Joel Bassat (Alternate Director), Jodie Bombardier, Stephen Beverley, Karen Corbett, Rory Gallagher, Chelsea Hampel, Min-Taec Kim, Natalie Laifer, Jessica LeWatt, Georgina Lewis, Fiona Le Brocq, Lawrence Nathan, Nikole Santander, Lachlan Smith, Lucy Tudehope
Amplify extends sincere thanks to all listed below. Your financial and in-kind contributions are vital to our work. Unless specified, all support is untied. We emphasise that no donor or supporter influences our policy deliberations or positions, ensuring our independence and integrity.
P & S Bassat Foundation
Bellwether Foundation Pty Ltd
Justin Liberman & Lisa Farber
Adrian and Charlotte MacKenzie
Radek and Helen Sali
Sidney and Fiona Myer Family Foundation
Tank Foundation
Mark Warburton