Our Community

Australians want to be more involved in policy decisions. This won't happen from the sidelines.

We are in the grip of a housing crisis right now. This is not new news to anyone.

So, the time has come for everyday Australians to step up, come together and create change. We can't afford to sit back and look on any longer. 

The community is demanding more action on the housing crisis

By joining the community, you will discuss and understand issues that matter to Australians. You can create your own posts to share your stories and hear others’, contribute to the debate, and help confirm specific actions that you want to see.

These conversations, outcomes and insights are fed into broader, community-led processes driving change.

You will feel like you are part of something vital to our country’s future. To YOUR future. You will feel like you have a voice, and that your voice is being heard and being acted upon. 

Together we will help Australia become a more prosperous, fairer, better informed and happier country. 

Join the community

Share your voice and help shape
the future of Australia.