The Community

Australians want to be more involved in policy decisions. This won't happen from the sidelines.

We are in the grip of a housing crisis right now. This is not new news to anyone.

So, the time has come for everyday Australians to step up, come together and create change. We can't afford to sit back and look on any longer. 

You can join our online platform today to be part of the first National Housing AMPLIFICATION.  

Find uncommon ground on housing reform 

AMPLIFICATION is the process by which we make our collective voice louder and stronger, even though our voices may convey different opinions and perspectives.  

 There are many important moving parts to the AMPLIFICATION process, and there will be a lot going on, because housing needs a lot of attention. 

Find uncommon ground on the AMPLIFY platform 

By joining the online platform, you will have the opportunity to deeply understand each key housing topic, create your own posts to share your stories and hear others’, contribute to the debate, and help confirm the specific housing reforms that you want to see.

These conversations, outcomes and insights will be fed into the overall AMPLIFICATION process which will run through to April and beyond.

You will feel like you are part of something vital to our country’s future. To YOUR future. You will feel like you have a voice, and that your voice is being heard and being acted upon.

Join the online platform

Shape the national discourse on housing

On 22-23 February 2025 in Sydney, AMPLIFY will bring together a randomly selected, broadly representative group of 100 Australians to give their considered judgement on specific reform proposals that best answer the question: how can Australians get a fair go at housing now and in the future?   

How will we bring the change?

At the end of February 2025, we will AMPLIFY information and ideas to influence decision-making and support governments to make meaningful changes to housing. Together we will help Australia become a more prosperous, fairer, better informed and happier country. 

Share your voice and help shape
the future of Australia.