How this works

Australia has the potential to be the best country in the world, but we know things aren’t working the way they should. So, we decided to do something about it and AMPLIFY was born. 

How this works

Here’s the thing.

Australia has a robust democratic system compared to other countries today. Fair and free elections, compulsory and preferential voting, governmental checks and balances. And yet, Australians don’t believe our democracy is working for us.

Why don’t we think it’s working?

Our country, our democracy is working for some - like big business and others with vested interests. But it’s not working for us. The clue to what a fair, healthy, working democracy is can be found in the first four letters - DEMO. It means ‘people’, and in a truly healthy democracy, the people have the power to participate in decision making.

Challenges are coming.

We have some big ticket issues heading our way - if they’re not here already. We are increasingly polarised. We have low trust in government and institutions. We believe that our government has little or no long term vision. And the intergenerational gap is dangerously wide. We are worried about housing affordability, our lack of response to climate change, stuttering productivity and a general sense of inequality.

How has the world taken this on?

Countries around the world are turning to new approaches for bringing together community members and governments to discuss and make the decisions that affect their lives. 

This is formally known as a 'deliberation'. Countries like Ireland, France, Belgium, Japan and Taiwan have used these approaches to tackle everything from end of life care to digital laws. 

And it works. We know that. 

How will we do it?

AMPLIFY will bring the rigour of a think tank with the heart of a community organisation. We will begin by identifying the issues that matter most to the community and then use a variety of tools to help people come together and find solutions.  

We want to make AMPLIFY open to all Australians. That’s why you can engage deeply or lightly. Often or every now and then. Online or in real life.

We call it Seek, Share, Solve & Spark.


🔍 Seek out all sides of every issue 

🎁 Share different points of view amongst each other

🧩 Solve problems by working together

⚡️ Spark change to make an impact



How will it feel?

It will feel like you are part of something vital to our country’s future. To YOUR future. You will feel like you have a voice, and that your voice is being heard and being acted upon.

You will feel fully informed and totally involved. You will belong to a community that wants change, and collectively has the power to make change happen.

It will feel like we are on the cusp of something extraordinary, and that the solutions we find together, and the decisions we play a part in making today, will have an important impact on our tomorrow.

How can I get involved?

Have a look around the site, click on the links or find out how to become a member here. 

Join our community

And if you like what you see, follow our socials and share with your friends and family.

The more of us that AMPLIFY, the sooner we’ll find our uncommon ground.


Share your voice and help shape
the future of Australia.