Get involved

Australians want to be more involved in policy decisions. This won't happen from the sidelines.

How will it feel?

The AMPLIFY community brings people together who share a desire to solve some of our biggest challenges.

When you become part of it, you will feel like you are part of something vital to our country’s future. To YOUR future. You will feel like you have a voice, and that your voice is being heard and being acted upon.


Join our community

You will feel fully informed and totally involved. You will belong to a community that wants change, and collectively has the power to make change happen.

We will feel like we are on the cusp of something extraordinary, and that the solutions we find together, and the decisions we play a part in making today, will have an important impact on our tomorrow.

How will it work?

What really makes AMPLIFY different is that we will use the power of the Australian community to advocate for the change we need. We will hold the people in power to account.

We are much smarter collectively than individually. Together, we can advocate for the change we want. 

On our platform and in real life forums, this can mean voting in polls, sharing perspectives and getting a deeper understanding of the issues.

Through our AMPLIFY community, we: 

🔍 Seek - out all sides of every issue

🎁 Share - different points of view amongst each other

🧩 Solve - different points of view amongst each other

 ⚡️Spark - change to make an impact


Drive change for impact

We will AMPLIFY information and ideas to influence decision-making and support governments to make the changes we meed. Together we will help Australia become a more prosperous, fairer, better informed and happier country.

Join our community

Share your voice and help shape
the future of Australia.