What's the point

Ever feel like Australia isn’t doing as well as it should be? Most Australians will agree with you, including us.

Australia is a great country - there’s no doubt about that. But if you're feeling that it’s not working the way it should, you are not alone.

Big question, but ‘why?’

Yes, it’s a very big question. There are a number of reasons, but they all boil down to one thing. Right now, we aren’t being heard. And if we aren’t being heard, how can government know what we need, or what works?

So, what’s the problem?

Our society has become more divided, and Australians are telling us they aren't being heard on the big issues in our society. Our problems, our worries, our needs have become so great that we don’t have the time, or the energy to worry about the problems of others’. And perhaps that’s the biggest problem of all. On our own we can’t gain momentum. 

Is this what we’re seeing overseas right now?

Pretty much, yes. The world is beset by disharmony and division. What we are seeing in many other countries is a warning sign for us. We can see what’s coming. We can see what is coming down the track if we don’t act now. And that is why AMPLIFY was born. 

If we know it’s coming, why isn’t someone doing something about it?

Someone is. You. Or at least, now you can. And thousands of other Australians like you can too. AMPLIFY is the place where Australians get to have their say and make a difference to the most important issues that we face. 

We can’t do that on our own!

No. You can’t. And you’re not. That’s the point. AMPLIFY is a community of Australians from all walks of life, with different views and opinions who share at least one thing in common. We care about our country.

Surely we’ve heard all this before?

Not like this. Because this is different. THIS will work. We are much smarter collectively than individually, and with the right mindset and a shared commitment to our future, we will find uncommon ground, and identify solutions to the big issues facing Australia.

Yes, but HOW is it different?

Uncommon ground is a process in which agreement is found among unexpected people and places to achieve a common goal. It’s the alchemy of different ideas and opinions that makes it happen. It’s not just a bunch of people saying ‘yes’ to each other. Continual disagreement never works. Constant agreement works even less.

That’s how it’s different, but how will it happen?

We will bring our AMPLIFY community together for events in all parts of the country, facilitate online conversations, share evidence, talk with experts and together, come up with the right solutions. We will SEEK out all sides of every issue. We will SHARE different points of view amongst each other. We will SOLVE problems by working together and we will SPARK change to make an impact.

So, we’ll have a voice. But will we get an ear?

We’re going to make it easier for Australians to get involved in the democratic process and harder for the politicians to ignore us. We’ll be taking the community’s shared solutions and taking them DIRECTLY to decision makers.

Oh, and why ‘AMPLIFY’?

We will make a real difference by AMPLIFYing the voice of our community to create change and help build the policy blueprint for Australia’s future. We will hold the people in power to account. This is how positive change will happen and how Australia can become the prosperous, fair, cohesive and happy country it should be.



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the future of Australia.